Wednesday, March 28, 2007

As requested... Reese on the Move

Barnyard Buddies

Here are our little "Barnyard Buddies". (chick, pig, sheep, & bunny) This was our trial run so we will know what we are doing next week when we make them to take to my dad's. But man, they were a lot of work... maybe we will find something a bit easier to take??? If we make them I think we will leave out the pig, it isn't as cute. We'll see...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Birthday Greetings To Grandma Tricia From Hallie & Fuzzy

Happy Birthday Grandma Tricia

Just wanted to wish Grandma Tricia a Happy Birthday. (March 27th) Hope you have a great birthday! Hallie will have a cupcake in your honor :) See you soon.
Here is Hallie's Birthday greeting: hkjkh jhjjhhjjhjhjjhjhhjjhjhjhjhhjjhjhjhhjjjhjhhj/
(she is now asking if we can make the computer talk-- so we will send you a little video message....)

A Day at the Beach

...Okay, maybe not a real beach... but a great sandbox!! :) Hallie & Reese both loved the sand. It was kind of windy, but a beautiful day! Here are our three pictures for the day.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hallie's dance Class

Just needed to caption the video below. So, ya know that little kid out in the outfield of a t-ball game chasing the butterflies?? That is Hallie at Tap class! She is so excited to go every week, but it just doesn't hold her attention. She is just on her own agenda! Enjoy... the video says it all!

Hallie's Dance Class

Where has the week gone???

Hello everyone. I have received several e-mails checking on my blog (no Jenni, my camera battery wasn't dead!! hehe)... so sorry I have been slacking off... and here is what we have been doing... Enjoy!!
First, I just had to show you all how big Bentley is getting!! He is HUGE!!! I sure miss the little puppy!! But now at least I don't have to worry about Hallie "roughing him up"!

So here is a peek into my life... dinner at our house... Ryan is working, Reese has fallen asleep while eating, and Hallie is a puppy finishing her dinner. And you wonder why I don't have time to blog???
Splish Splash
It has been very rainy here, so of course they had to "sport" the cute new rain gear!

On Tuesday Grandma Carmel came to town to work on her new condo. We did a lot of cleaning and painting all week!!! Even little Hallie pitched in to help...

...But of course we had time for a little shopping. Are we hot or what???

Welcome to the Family
Meet our newest Family member.... FUZZY! This is Hallie's new fuzzy caterpiller. She LOVES IT!! He literally goes everwhere we go! The jar doesn't leave her side! We never thought he would be with us this long... we cross our fingers every morning when we wake up that he wakes up too! And we have had a few close calls! He keeps hanging in there! (Yes, this is Sunday... so we have offically had him for 6 days!!) He will be a butterfly before we know it! (or a big ugly moth!)

On Friday Jessie came up to visit & we went out to eat at "The Fire Place" as Hallie calls it. (Osaka Japanese Steakhouse) Lots of fun... & very yummy!

On Saturday was Hallie's weekly Tap class. Here are two pictures of her...

I have a CUTE video of dance class I will post next. Hope you all had fun checking out our week. I will try to do better posting daily again. Have a great week!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hallie's 3 year old pictures

Just wanted to share with everyone Hallie's 3 year old pictures...

On the go...

Wow, we have really been on the go this weekend! First, Hallie and Reese were out on the go in Hallie's Barbie Jeep. Okay, not so much on the go, but Reese sat long enough for a picture! She has a little growing before she can go on rides with this CRAZY driver!....

Hit & Run... don't tell the owner of this Blue truck...
Guess that is what happens when you park it at our house & leave for CA.--hehe, park at your own risk!-- Sorry Grandma, it's okay, just a little mark.

Little Miss Reese was on the go in her swing! This was her first time trying out the swing outside and she could have swung for hours! Looks like we will get lots of miles out of this swing this summer!

Hallie's First Haircut!!
On Saturday Hallie went to get her first haircut!! She was soo pumped up and excited to get it. We got there and they have this cute chair & a Dora DVD on the tv in front of her. All was good...

... And then the lady "YANKED" out her ponytail. Not gentle or anything-- sending her in tears! She finished up the haircut and as soon as she walked away Hallie was fine. Not such a good first impression! I don't really have an "after" picture. They trimmed up the bottom, so all her curls fall just above her sholders.- and the haircut made the curls on top really bounce! Turned out very cute! I will post pictures when I get a cute one.

Reese is on the Go!...
It is official! Reese is a crawler! She is all over now! For the past few weeks she has been up on her knees, and today she went for it! Since she figured it out thre is no stopping her!

Is she cute or what?? :)

All for now... until next time!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is this Becky???

So when I got over the excitement of this month's Scrapbook Etc. being in my mailbox I took a second to look at the covergirl. For those of you who know my sister Becky... Doesn't this girl look JUST LIKE her kid pics! If this was a random picture in a box at home I would think nothing of it-- That's Becky! Everyone has a twin... this one is just young enough to be her daughter! Just thought I would share :)
PS... I dog-eared like every other page in this issue-- SO GOOD!!

Spring has Sprung... for a few days

We have been loving this spring weather! Hallie was out with her new bike. Reese, Hallie, Bentley & I have been out on walks, too! Can't wait for summer!

Hallie has even started her bug collection! Gotta get to work on my scrap project for Thursday!

Monday, March 12, 2007

50 Things About Me...

Here it goes... I was "challenged" by a friend to post this. I find myself writing a lot about my family-- so here is a little about me. I challenge you to take the time to think of yourself & share 25, 50, 100 (however many you have time for) things & post on your blog, myspace, or e-mail. I'd love to read them!

50 Things About Candi:

1- My full name is Candace Michelle (Harrell) Ladwig
2- My first name is after my mom... Carmel & Candi-- hehe
3- My middle name is after my dad's poodle-- thanks guys! :)
4- I was born in Cedar Falls, Iowa
5- I married a wonderful guy, Ryan Ladwig.
6- Our Ann'y is May 10th (2003)
7- Our first daughter was born March 3, 2004.
8- We named her Hallie Nicole-- after Halle Berry- Ryan thinks she's hot
9- Our second daughter was born August 22, 2006.
10- We named her Reese Madyson-- I like Reese Witherspoon
11- We have a dog-- Yellow Lab-- Bentley
12- I like small dogs. (note #11)-- he is growing on me...
13- My all-time favorite movie is Sweet November.
14- I LOVE Oprah!!!
15- I got to go to a taping of Oprah this past February.
16- I like reality tv shows.
17- I wish I was best friends with Jessica Simpson :)
18- I would have to say my all-time favorite reality tv show was the Newly Weds.
19- My favorite "drama" was Joan of Arcadia-- and it was cancelled-- that is why I watch
reality, there is always an end... you aren't left "hanging"
20- My favorite color is pink!!!!
21- I am scared of the dark.
22- One of my favorite smells are Reesey's "stinky feet"??? don't know why?
22- Another is the smell of babies right after their bath.
23- I collect Beauty & The Beast figurines.
24- My favorite flower is the daisy.
25- I love Cadbury Mini Eggs!
26- I HATE Cadbury Eggs-- the gooey kind.
27- I love the buttered popcorn jelly beans.
28- I hate brussle sprouts.
29- I like to watch Disney/Nick Jr shows-- even without the kids!
30- I scrapbook & love it.
31- I like doing crafty projects.
32- I don't like big projects-- if it takes more than a couple days it won't ever get done!
33- I love camping- however, I never get to go.
34- I have never been on a cruise-- someday. (I would really like to go on a Disney one!)
35- I have 3 sisters-- Becky, Jessie & Agatha.
36- I love Christmas!!!!!!
37- I love Christmas!!!!!!-- I love it so much it deserves 2!!
38- I love decorating sugar cookies!
39- I get ADHD doing the cut out, roll out, cut out, roll out part.
40- One of my favorite things to do is snuggle my girls with "the purple blanket" -- my quilt from Grandma Carol.
41- I regret not getting Grandma Mildred's homemade cookin' recipes (especially her pie crust!)
42- I am so thankful for all I learned from my grandmas (and Ryan's grandmas)
43- I wish I could go to prom again-- I love dressing up!
44- I love to go to the arobic classes at the Y.-- I wish Hallie would stay in daycare so I could.
45- I have a tender head!!- I hate getting haircuts or anyone touching my head!
46- I love pedicures!
47- I hate going to museums.-- so random I know, but it popped in my head
48- I can't live without mascara & lipgloss
49- I have a few great friends I love like sisters (one like a sister-in-law!!)
50- I love my family more than anything! My husband and daughters treat me like the Queen. I talk to my mom everyday like a best friend. My sisters are the BEST!! I am a daddy's girl at heart! My "in-laws" are so helpful, they are there anytime we need anything! I am so blessed! I am sending you all a big hug :)

Okay, so now you have it. Did you learn anything? I have so many more in my head, I would totally go to 100-- but I have to get some things done before bed-- and it is already 11:03pm! One more thing.. I wish I was a good singer, and I wish I could play piano! I want to be on a game show someday.- I love Wheel of Fortune and Price is Right. I like fishing and going to the zoo. I love the weather right now-- high like 75. Okay, enough. Thanks for reading... Candi

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What a Week!!!

So sorry it has taken me FOREVER to get this blog updated.... we have had a little cross-Iowa roadtrip. I have compiled the pictures from all of our little adventures. I have to appologize to anyone with dial-up.... I have a lot of pictures! To the rest of you.. Enjoy :)

First, we went to Des Moines for the Iowa Girl's State Basketball Tournament. BCIG (Battle Creek-Ida Grove) made it again and we thought it would be fun for Hallie to go to her first basketball game! She had a lot of fun! Ryan's family (Ron & Tricia and Ross & Christi) all met up for the big game! They played PCM... and won by 40 points! Very exciting and fun had by all!

Our roadtrip continued West on Tuesday as Hallie, Reese, Grandma Carmel and I headed to Anthon to visit "The Greats" (Ryan had to go home to work)
Hallie got a cute book set for her birthday.-- Thanks Grandma Great!! Hallie also ate all of Grandpa Great's jellybeans-- thanks Grandpa Great! We helped them get their new computer all set up and running and they are back at it! They will be getting high speed soon!! Pretty good since Grandpa reminded us he will be 80!!


On Wednesday we headed back to Grandma Carmel's house in Urbandale. She is getting ready to move... so Hallie had a blast with the boxes. Here she is in her "DogHouse"....

Roadtripping to Illinois.... pitstop for shopping... OF COURSE we had to stop off in Williamsburg for a little shopping spree :) Here is Reese in a big girl rental stroller for the first time. -- and "Hotties" Hallie & Grandma trying on some new shades..... LOOKING GOOD!

We made it home! On Friday I headed BACK west to Iowa City to get a new Scrapping "tool"... the Quickutz Silhouette.... I am so excited about it! I will let you all know when I make something to share-- I won't actually have the machine for 2-4 weeks. :( I am a big girl... I can wait (I have to keep telling myself that!) -- I also got to eat lunch with Jessie while I was in town-- a little bonus for my hour trip up just to order a stinkin' machine ;)
Then... for Hallie's birthday Grandma Carmel treated our family to the Doodlebops concert! It was a lot of fun! For those of you who don't know who they are... they are a Disney Channel tv show about 2 brothers and a sister who travel around doing rock concerts-- learning lessons along the way. Very fun!
Here is Moe, DeeDee, & Rooney
Hallie & I Pre-show-- always looking for the best scrapbook photo moment! Below... Me, Hallie & Grandma Carmel.

Here is Daddy (Ryan) & Reese... even Reese had a blast. She was watching and "jumping" onour laps-- her arms swinging all over!
So that is it.... now do I get a break for abandoning my blog a few days?? Did I justify that I actually was busy??? I will stay on top of things now... Love to you all! The Ladwigs