Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Farewell to our Friends

Just wanted to let you know Hallie has said goodbye to our "froggies" and Tyrone the turtle. The froggies went into my flowers and Tyrone got released down by the creek. Hallie was pretty sad, but kept saying they were going to find their families. Hope they come back and visit next year...

4 friends had to say...:

Jodi Lansink said...

Bye Tyrone...:-(

What are going to find next?!?!

Christi said...

I feel bad for her, she is such an animal LOVER;(

Carmel said...

This one made me cry. Such a touching moment. Hallie you have such a big heart for such a little person.

tricia said...

This is the first post that made me want to cry. Hallie is destined to work with animals somehow, someway someday!! Gotta love your heart, Hallie!!